The Consumer Simplified Model
If we see the Simplified Model we see the three things. Which are 01. Multiple
Stimuli 02. Black Box 03. Target Audience Response.
The Consumer Behavior Simplified Model (Multiple Stimuli and Black Box)
Hare Multiple Stimuli contains with product, price, place and promotion and Another is Environmental Events contains with Economic, Technology, Political and Cultural Environment. In the Black Box Contains with different types of Potential
Buyer Responses such as Product choice, Brand choice, Retailer choice, Purchase timing
and Need Satisfaction.
If we expand the black box we see that, there are different types of influences such as Intra-Personal Psychological Influences, Situational Influences and Iner-Personal Social Influences. Intra-Personal Psychological Influences means motives and perceptions. Inter Personal Social Influences related on culture and social class.
All of the Influences (Intra-Personal Psychological, Situational and Inter-Personal)are mediated by audience characteristics such as Gender, Age and others.Finally the outcome is the Decision Process.
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